Status of Adult Education in California
AB 104 Introduction
September 20, 2015
On June 24, 2015 Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 104, the major education trailer bill that accompanied the state’s 2015-16 state budget. This measure includes the section that defines the state’s expectations for its new Adult Education Block Grant program.

As background, Assembly Bill 104 is the major education trailer bill that accompanied Assembly Bill 93, the 2015-16 state budget bill. AB 104 includes a segment on the enactment of the Adult Education Block Grant that represents the actualization of planning begun with the passage of Assembly Bill 86 in 2013. AB 86 provided $25 million to 70 consortia statewide to support the development of regional adult education consortium plans with a focus on expanding and improving opportunities for education and workforce services for adults.
Beginning July 1, 2013, K-12 adult education programs were funded at the 2012-13 level for two years. During this period, AB 86 consortia, consisting of school districts and community college districts, developed regional education and workforce service plans for adults. AB 86 also included the commitment of the state legislature to fund adult education at the conclusion of the planning period June 30, 2015.
The Adult Education Block Grant program in AB 104 represents the 2015/16 transition from the planning that took place with AB 86 to the actualization of a new California adult education program supported with $525 million, more than any other state in the nation.