CAEP Desert Regional Consortium Meeting Agenda
June 11, 2024
Location: RCOE – Room A-33
47-336 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201
Time: 8:30 A.M.
Desert Regional Consortium Members:
Dean Papas, COD – Chair
Jereme Weischedel, CVUSD
Larry Bellanich, DSUSD – Vice-Chair
Deanna Keuilian, PSUSD
Lucie M. Gonzalez, RCOE – Vice-Chair
Guillermo E. Mendoza – Consortium Director
Open Session
Call to Order: Roll Call – Time and Date:
Establishment of a Quorum:
Board Meeting Agenda: Pursuant to the Desert Regional Consortium Governance Plan, the consortium member’s relative voting power will be one vote for each member. A quorum is three members present. A majority of the quorum is necessary for approval of decisions. Votes will be voiced by stating yes or no. Abstentions will be noted. Votes will be recorded in the minutes, including the names of the members making and seconding the motion.
Approval/Addition to Agenda:
Motion: Second:
Vote: Yes: No:
There will be an allotment of time (up to 3 minutes per person) given to members of the public for comment. Additional time will be given to the voting members to consider public comments. After discussion, the executive voting committee will vote or agree to pull the item for a second reading if members feel more time is necessary.
Public Comments
Agenda Items
- Approve Agenda Minutes from May 7, 2024.
Motion: Second:
Vote: Yes: No:
- Approve DRC 2024-25 Annual Plan – Guillermo Mendoza
Motion: Second:
Vote: Yes: No:
- Approve DRC 2024-25 Calendar Dates– Guillermo Mendoza
Motion: Second:
Vote: Yes: No:
- Approve CTE Course: IT Fundamental Course – Jereme Weischedel
Motion: Second:
Vote: Yes: No:
- Informational Only:
- End of Quarter 4 – June 30
- Quarter 4 Student Data due in TOPSPro – July 15
- CAEP Director’s Conference – September 26–27
- CAEP Summit – Marriott Oakland City Center – October 28–30
- Informational only – Member Roundtable Updates.
Closed Session:
Item: A
Item: B
Item: C
Next Meeting: July 9, 2024, RCOE– Room A-33, 47-336 Oasis Street, Indio, CA
CAEP Desert Regional Consortium Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2024
Location: RCOE – Room A-33
47-336 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201
Time: 8:30 A.M.
Desert Regional Consortium Members:
Dean Papas, COD – Chair
Jereme Weischedel, CVUSD
Larry Bellanich, DSUSD – Vice-Chair
Deanna Keuilian, PSUSD
Lucie M. Gonzalez, RCOE – Vice-Chair
Guillermo E. Mendoza – Consortium Director
Dean Papas, Represented by Gary Plunkett, with voting rights
Deanna Keulian, no representative
Open Session
Call to Order: Roll Call – Time and Date: L. Gonzalez on June 11, 2024 at 8:33 a.m.
Establishment of a Quorum: Yes, J. Weischedel, L. Bellanich, L. Gonzalez, G. Plunkett
Board Meeting Agenda: Pursuant to the Desert Regional Consortium Governance Plan, the consortium member’s relative voting power will be one vote for each member. A quorum is three members present. A majority of the quorum is necessary for approval of decisions. Votes will be voiced by stating yes or no. Abstentions will be noted. Votes will be recorded in the minutes, including the names of the members making and seconding the motion.
Approval/Addition to Agenda:
Motion: J. Weischedel Second: L, Bellanich
Vote: Yes. Unanimous. L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
There will be an allotment of time (up to 3 minutes per person) given to members of the public for comment. Additional time will be given to the voting members to consider public comments. After discussion, the executive voting committee will vote or agree to pull the item for a second reading if members feel more time is necessary.
Public Comments: None
Agenda Items
- Approve Agenda Minutes from May 7, 2024.
Motion: L. Bellanich Second: J. Weischedel
Vote: Yes. Unanimous. L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
- Approve DRC 2024-25 Annual Plan – Guillermo Mendoza
Motion: J. Weischedel Second: L. Bellanich
Vote: Yes: L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
Annual CAEP requirement to expend funds as per DRC Governance and Three-Year Plan.
- Approve DRC 2024-25 Calendar Dates– Guillermo Mendoza
Motion: J. Weischedel Second: L. Bellanich
Vote: Yes: L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
Annual DRC requirement for annual calendared meetings.
- Approve CTE Course: IT Fundamental Course – Jereme Weischedel
Motion: L, Bellanich Second: J. Weischedel
Vote: Yes: L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
Before establishing a Career Technical Education or Occupational Education Program, a job market study of the local region must be conducted and reviewed every two years to justify the need for the program being offered.
The study shall consider a supply analysis of existing career technical education training programs for adults maintained by high schools, community colleges, and other postsecondary educational institutions in the geographic area to ensure that the anticipated employment demand for adults enrolled in the proposed training program justifies the establishment of proposed courses (EC 84906 (a)(3)(A).
- Informational Only:
- End of Quarter 4 – June 30
- Quarter 4 Student Data due in TOPSPro – July 15
- CAEP Director’s Conference – September 26–27
- CAEP Summit – Marriott Oakland City Center – October 28–30
- Informational only – Member Roundtable Updates.
Closed Session:
Annual Contract Review
- Approve DRC California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Consortium Director Contract. Contract will be effective July 1, 2024, pending CVUSD Board Approval and submission of required paperwork by candidate. The pay rate will be $74,700.00 for the period of Contract and ending June 30, 2025.
Motion: L. Bellanich Second: J. Weischedel
Vote: Yes. Unanimous. L, Gonzalez, L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
- Approve DRC Webmaster Contract. Contract will be effective July 1, 2024, pending CVUSD Board Approval and submission of required paperwork by candidate. The pay rate will be $500.00 per month for the period of Contract and
Ending June 30, 2025.
Motion: L. Bellanich Second: J. Weischedel
Vote: Yes. Unanimous. L. Gonzalez, L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
- Approve DRC Part time Secretary Contract. Contract will be effective July 1, 2024, pending CVUSD Board Approval and submission of required paperwork by candidate. The pay rate will be at the rate of $800.00 per month for the period of
Contract and ending June 30, 2025.
Motion: L. Bellanich Second: J. Weischedel
Vote: Yes. Unanimous. L. Gonzalez, L. Bellanich, J. Weischedel, G. Plunkett
Next Meeting: July 9, 2024, RCOE– Room A-33, 47-336 Oasis Street, Indio, CA
ADJOURNMENT – L. Gonzalez on June 11, 2024, at 9:21 a.m. Adjourn to Closed Session