AEBG Desert Regional Consortium

Meeting Agenda

August 8, 2016

Location:  RCOE – 47-336 Oasis Street, A-33

Time: 8:30 AM


Desert Regional Consortium Members:

Pam Hunter– COD

Jereme Weischedel, Chair – CVUSD

Larry Bellanich, DSUSD

Milt Jones, PSUSD

Deanna McCarty, RCOE




Open Session


Call to Order /Roll Call:


Establishment of a Quorum:


Board Meeting Agenda: Pursuant to the Desert Regional Consortium Governance Plan, the consortium member’s relative voting power will be one vote for each member. A quorum is three members present. A majority of the quorum is necessary for approval of decisions. Votes will be voiced by stating yes or no. Abstentions will be noted. Votes will be recorded in the minutes, including the names of the members making and seconding the motion.


Approval/Addition to Agenda:


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


There will be an allotment of time (up to 3 minutes per person) given to members of the public for comment. Additional time will be given to the voting members to consider public comments. After discussion, the executive voting committee will vote or agree to pull the item for a second reading if members feel more time is necessary.


Public Comments


Agenda Items


  1. Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2016


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


  1. Approval of New Contract for Project Manager for 2016-17


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


  1. Approval of Web Hosting Services


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


  1. Approval of Governance Plan for 2016-17 – Due August 15


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


  1. Approval of AEBG Year-2 Plan – Due August 15


Motion:                                                       Second:


 Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


  1. Approval of Calendar Dates for DRC Meetings for 2016-17


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:



  1. Election of Officers for 2016-17, as per DRC Governance Plan


Motion:                                                       Second:


Vote:  Yes:                                                  No:


  1. Action Item – Select date to meet to review RFPs. Completion date August 19.


  1. Informational only – DRC Budget, Expenditures, Proposed Expenditures, as well as Course and Student Data uploaded to the state on time.


Closed Session:


Next Meeting: Monday, September 12, 2016 – 8:30 a.m. at RCOE – 47-336 Oasis Street, A-33




AEBG Desert Regional Consortium Meeting August 8, 2016 Minutes

AEBG Desert Regional Consortium

Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2016

Location:  RCOE – 47-336 Oasis Street, A-33

Time: 8:30 AM


Desert Regional Consortium Members:

Pam Hunter– COD – Present

Jereme Weischedel, Chair – CVUSD – Present

Larry Bellanich, DSUSD – Absent

Milt Jones, PSUSD – Absent

Deanna McCarty, RCOE – Present




Larry Bellanich – Represented by Catherine Bennett

Milt Jones – Absent

Open Session


Call to Order /Roll Call: By Jereme Weischedel at 8:42 am.


Establishment of a Quorum: Yes. Four members present – One Designee present.


Board Meeting Agenda: Pursuant to the Desert Regional Consortium Governance Plan, the consortium member’s relative voting power will be one vote for each member. A quorum is three members present. A majority of the quorum is necessary for approval of decisions. Votes will be voiced by stating yes or no. Abstentions will be noted. Votes will be recorded in the minutes, including the names of the members making and seconding the motion.


Approval/Addition to Agenda:

Motion:  D. McCarty                                                     Second: P. Hunter


Vote:  Yes:  Unanimous                                                No:


There will be an allotment of time (up to 3 minutes per person) given to members of the public for comment. Additional time will be given to the voting members to consider public comments. After discussion, the executive voting committee will vote or agree to pull the item for a second reading if members feel more time is necessary.


Public Comments




Agenda Items


  1. Approval of Minutes from August 8, 2016 – (May 9, 2016, April 28, 2016, and March 14, 2016)


Motion: D. McCarty                                   Second: J. Weischedel


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Approval of New Contract for Project Manager for 2016-17

Approved contract – Discussion to leave Scope of Work with no changes, pending hiring of Secretary.

Motion:  P. Hunter                                      Second: C. Bennett


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Approval of Web Hosting Services

Discussion of Web Hosting Service Providers – Scope of Work needed for clear comparison for vendors. Item tabled until a scope of work is created.

Motion: P. Hunter                                       Second: D. McCarty


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Approval of Governance Plan for 2016-17

Approved Governance Plan with only four changes: Remove Fiscal Agent Language and replace with Direct Funding Language. Addition of the recommended AEBG Office phrase, “The Consortium will solicit and consider comments regarding a proposed decision ….” Addition of the sentence: In addition, the DRC will consider input provided by pupils, teachers employed by local educational agencies, community college faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff, and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community college districts before it makes a decision. Change typo in last paragraph.


Motion: P. Hunter                                       Second: J. Weischedel


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Approval of AEBG Year-2 Plan – Due August 15

Since the Year-2 Plan will not be complete until August 12th, the AEBG Year-2 Plan will be ratified at the September 12th Meeting.

Motion: J. Weischedel                               Second: D. McCarty


 Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Approval of Calendar Dates for DRC Meetings for 2016-17

October 10th changed to October 17 – February 9th changed to February 6 – March 13 changed to March 6th, and April 10 changed to April 3rd.

Motion: J. Weischedel                                Second: P. Hunter


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Election of Officers for 2016-17, as per DRC Governance Plan

Discussion of Election of Officers. The item is not in the DRC Governance Plan. Item is tabled to September 12th meeting as an Action Item.

Motion: J. Weischedel                                Second: P. Hunter


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                               No:


  1. Action Item – Select date to meet to review RFPs. Completion date August 19.

Discussion regarding RFPs. Meeting date to review plans will be a working meeting on August 29th.

Motion: j. Weischedel                                   Second: D. McCarty


Vote:  Yes: Unanimous                                  No:


  1. Informational only – DRC Budget, Expenditures, Proposed Expenditures, as well as Course and Student Data uploaded to the state on time.


Closed Session: None


Next Meeting: Monday, September 12, 2016 – 8:30 a.m. at RCOE – 47-336 Oasis Street, A-33



ADJOURNMENT – J. Weischedel at 10:39 am.